Tag Archive: filter

Photoshop seamless pattern

by Design Workshop Sydney

There are several methods of creating seamless patterns in Photoshop, which we explore in our Adobe Photoshop training courses. Firstly, open Photoshop and create a new file, 500 by 500 pixels at a resolution of 150 ppi, which is a good print resolution. And the colour mode of RGB. Next go to the shape tools and select the Ellipse tool.... Read more...

Photoshop flare

by Design Workshop Sydney

Creating a flare effect in Photoshop involves working with the Brush options – we show you how in our Adobe Photoshop training courses. Firstly create a new document specifying the size and resolution of the image – this will vary according to the end result. Next select the Brush tool and in the top Control panel click on the drop-down... Read more...