by Design Workshop Sydney
The final step in many Autocad 2d workflows is the printing stage. We talk you through the process in our Autocad 2d training courses. To print or Plot the drawing from Autocad’s Paper Space press the top left Application button – this is the old pre-2009 File menu on the PC version, although it still exists in the current Macintosh... Read more...
by Design Workshop Sydney
Once the drawing and annotations are complete in our Autocad 2D Model space, we are ready to generate images for print purposes in Paper space. We show you the easiest and most efficient drawing and publishing techniques in our Autocad 2D training courses. Note the bottom of the Autocad workspace – we have tabs marked Model, Layout 1 and Layout... Read more...
by Design Workshop Sydney
When creating a building in SketchUp, the meaurements and dimensions can be introduced through a variety of import formats. We explain all in our SketchUp training courses. The most common ways we receive the information are as either rough sketches on paper, or as CAD files (either DWG or DXF). Alternatively as PDFs or simple JPEGs. DWG is the native... Read more...
by Design Workshop Sydney
When the final layout is complete it’s time to output your document. There are a variety ways of doing this, one of the main methods being that of printing to PDF. We cover them all in our Adobe Indesign training courses. To export to PDF there are a few methods, depending on the purpose of the document. First of all... Read more...