Tag Archive: symbols

Illustrator Perspective Grid

by Design Workshop Sydney

The Perspective Grid tool is a handy function in Adobe Illustrator for creating perspective drawings or in order to map two-dimensional artwork onto drawn planes. We explore this tool in our Adobe Illustrator training courses. First go to the File menu and create a new document, A4 size page, for example, with a landscape format. Return to the File menu... Read more...

Autocad 2D dimension style

by Design Workshop Sydney

After adding a few initial dimensions to our completed drawing, we may wish to adjust the dimension style. We show you how in our Autocad 2D training courses. In the Windows version we go to the Annotate tab and the Dimensions section and click on the small arrow icon on the bottom right of the section. This opens up our... Read more...

Indesign glyphs

by Design Workshop Sydney

As an additional design element adding glyphs to an Indesign document can enhance the look and feel of an otherwise mundane header or footer element. We demonstrate how to add glyphs in our Adobe Indesign training courses. In the case of a header or footer, we would first double-click to enter the Master-page environment. Then, after creating some suitable text... Read more...