Indesign drop shadow

by Design Workshop Sydney

Creating drop shadows in Indesign is a straightforward process and one which, if used in a subtle manner, can add dynamism and interest to a page layout. We explore many such features in our Adobe Indesign coursesindesign-drop-shadow
In the example of the Sonic Screwdriver shown here, the image is placed into the page via File > Place. Since the original image had a white background it’s an easy matter to cut it out (also known as Deep Etching) by going to Object > Clipping Mask > Make, and choosing the Detect Edges option. Move the Tolerance slider to allow Indesign to interpret more or less of the image as white.
We can then add a Drop Shadow by right-clicking on it and choosing Effects > Drop Shadow. Then adjust the Offset distance, the Blur and Opcaity, even the colour of the shadow. Tick Preview to see it update on the page. If happy with the result click OK. The Sonic Screwdriver appears to hover over the page, lending a slight three dimensional feel to the object.
More tips can be found at Indesign user groups which meet regularly in most capital cities, and are free forums for designers to discuss topics and the latest Indesign features. See also many examples of our own clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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