Indesign text wrap

by Design Workshop Sydney

A common question with new Indesign users is how to wrap text around a graphic or similar element, like the Pull Quote in the screenshot for instance. This is a handy feature for brochures, magazine articles and annual reports, the creation of which we look at in great detail in our Indesign courses. Firstly the important thing to remember is that text wrap is added to the object, not to the body of text itself.Indesign-text-wrap
The procedure is as follows: go to the Window drop-down menu and choose Text Wrap – a new panel will open, which you may dock with your other panels for easier access in future. Then select the object with the Selection tool (in this case it’s the small box of text which I’ve given a coloured stroke).
There are five options in Text Warp. The first is chosen by default (No Text Wrap) – hence when you drag the pull-quote object into the body of the text, it simply overlaps – aesthetically bad! With the object still selected, choose the second option (Wrap around Bounding Box) – this is generally the most used. Instantly your main text will spring away from the object, as if it has a magnetic force around it. Note that the Offset buttons below have 0mm value, so that the main text hugs the object. It’s more aesthetically pleasing if there is some white space around the object,so change the Offset value to a few millimetres. Click the chain icon to make all settings the same, if necessary. You can now move the graphic object around and the text will flow accordingly – it’s now a matter of adjusting them till you get the most pleasing appearance.
The third option (Wrap around object shape) is good for coloured shapes or organic image frames. The fourth option (Jump object) has its uses, creating white space at each side, as does the last option (Jump to next column). In addition your set up could be saved as an Object Style for consistency. But be careful not to add Text Wrap to a background image, or text placed on top will disappear! Click off the page to deselect the text-wrapped object.
See many examples of our clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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