Adobe Illustrator is the the industry-leader for creating vector artwork and is used by illustration professionals the world over. The program is also used widely in the fashion industry, from creating initial concept artwork to producing finished pattern line art for exporting to CAD software. Illustrator is also used to construct storyboards with colourways and repeat prints. And it can also be used to create flyers, posters and even multi-page brochures. In our specially customized Illustrator for Fashion course we will help you explore the main features of the program, as well as show you how to use it in an efficient and creative manner.
Topics covered in the course include working with the various drawing tools, how to modify existing drawings, how to import photographs and sketches for tracing over. And also how to create repeat prints from scratch, or from existing fabric swatches. We also explore colour and importing Pantone swatches. We can add text and dimensions to your images, as well as your company logos and borders.
Finally we look at outputting your artwork, whether for print media or web. And the best methods for organizing and reviewing large collections of files, including setting up a web gallery.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or self-taught, our custom courses will help you gain self-confidence in your Illustrator workflow, as well as adding to your professional skill-set. See many examples of our Illustrator clients’ work on our Facebook site.
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