Photoshop HDR

by Design Workshop Sydney

Working with images in High Dynamic Range is a simple process in Adobe Photoshop. We demonstrate how in our Photoshop training courses.photoshop-hdr
In HDR image processing you have multiple F-stop bracketed exposures of the same image. Select these in Mini-bridge, then right-click and choose Photoshop, Merge to HDR Pro, and choose OK. It then takes the images into an HDR Composite image, aligns them and opens up in the new High Dynamic Range dialog box.
Note the Presets at the top of the screen > More Saturated (for example) > note features like Remove Ghosts for wind-blown branches, etc. You can also create your own presets. Try these settings for example: tick Remove Ghosts,  Mode 16 Bit, Local Adaptation, Edge Glow Radius 176, Strength 0.47. Then in the Tone & Detail section choose Gamma 0.76, Exposure 0.3, Detail 300%, Shadow -100%, Highlight -100%, Vibrance 22%, Saturation 26%. Then in Tone Curve choose a Contrast S-shaped curve, and Save the Preset.
Alternatively, if you didn’t shoot for HDR open a new image and go to the Image menu at the top of the screen, choose Adjustments and HDR Toning. This allows us to simulate the effects from HDR without having the multiple exposures and gives us a really sharp look.
Many more tips and techniques can be found at the Adobe website. And see many examples of our clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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