Creating poster mockups in Photoshop is an easy and fun process. We show you how in our Adobe Photoshop training courses.
To create a poster like the one illustrated here firstly open a photograph. Check the file size in Image > Image Size. Ideally you want it to be a good printing resolution of 150-300 pixels per inch. And you don’t want to have to scale it up too much. You may need to crop and rotate it.
If you need to deepen the tonal range create a Levels Adjustment Layer, and if you need to saturate the colours, do so with a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer.
You could also retouch parts of the image with the Clone Stamp tool and the healing Brush tools.
To create the blue spotlight effect, firstly select the Ellipse Selection tool with a Feather value of 10 pixels. Then click and drag around the hand area. To have the opposite pixels selected, ie. the rest of the image, go to Select > Inverse.
Then create a Solid Colour Adjustment Layer and pick a colour from the Colour Picker. Tone done the effect by reducing the layers opacity.
Next open up the company logo and copy it across into the poster image – note as you do so a new layer is created automatically. Scale the logo up or down in Edit > Scale, pressing Shift to keep the width and height constrained. Feel free to rename these layers, for easier selection later on.
Lastly add some text with the Type tool – this can be modified at any point by double-clicking on the T-icon on the layer itself. When you are happy with the result, save the file as a PSD (Mac:Photoshop) – this is the default file format and will preserve your layers. So we always save our working files as PSDs.
Then Save As either PDF for printing, or JPEG/PNG for uploading to the Web.
As we have seen, the procedure for creating poster mockups is simple and straight-forward. Many more tips and techniques can be found at the Adobe website. And see many examples of our clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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