SketchUp window component

by Design Workshop Sydney

Creating SketchUp components for window frames is a great way of saving time when constructing your 3D model. We show you how to create and modify components in our SketchUp training courses.sketchup-window-component
A Component is like a block in AutoCAD in that it can be edited and imported into future models. You can create your own components from scratch, or download them from the 3D Warehouse which is linked to SketchUp.
To create your own window frames, first create a rectangle over one of the windows on a wall. Next select Bucket tool (B) and colour the rectangle blue – this is a fairly basic looking window but is a good starting point. Next select the edges and face of the rectangle by double-clicking, and right-click > Make Component > name it Window 1000 x 750, for example. This component will be saved within this model – copy it to the other window openings.
Now we are ready to edit it, as follows: select the component > right-click > Edit Component. Now we will Offset (F) the rectangle by 0.05 (or punch in 50mm). And Push/Pull the frame outwards by 50mm. We can edit the colour (Edit tab) > and change the opacity to 50%, for example. Or use a translucent glass material. Note that all other instances of the window component also update. We could repeat this process on the inside of the window frame if we will also be viewing the model from the inside.
We could further edit the component by adding a window sill. Select and right-click on any of the windows > note the 3 main options: Edit Component, Make Unique and Explode. Choose Edit Component (this will update all instances of the window as before). Create 2 cut lines at the sides of the bottom panel, and Push/Pull (P) the panel outwards by 20mm. Select tool > select the bottom line > Move tool > move outwards by 20mm. Then create an arc with the Arc tool on the top edge, and Push/Pull this section away. Create a chamfered edge on the bottom edge with Line tool and Push/Pull this section away also. Now go to the Select tool and click outside the window to exit the Edit mode. Note that all the instances of this window component have updated. If you only wanted to change one instance of the window you would choose the Make Unique option before editing.
Many useful tips and techniques can be found at the SketchUp website. And see many examples of our own clients’ work on our Facebook page.
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